

上了大学的这几个月经历了很多事,不论是开心、伤心、生气、无奈....同时也认识了很多人。大学就像踏入社会的第一步,所有的人事物完全不能和以前的经验相比。 这里的人不像中学那样简单 ,事情也不像以前那么简单就解决,环境自然也是不同去了。说英文的次数自然也变多.
让我真真有回忆的是dodgeball. I joined dodgeball since march intake, met a lot of ppl, make friends with them. They are very friendly. Except for my classmates who joined dodgeball, haha is the first person i met in dodgeball. Actually I can't recognize my classmates who joined dodgeball but they could recognize me during open day which made me felt sorry for them. Anyway, due to they know that I am my bro's sis, I mixed with them very fast, I guess. I rather made friend with them before they knew I am his sis. anyway, passed is passed.
I joined Inti Open for few weeks ago, it's my first competition in my college life, even though we didn't win competition. I have learned a lot in this competition and i appreciate it. I never thought that i would love dodgeball this much. I will try my best to become a good catcher, maybe thrower too.
Once a storm always a storm.
sem break now and i really have nothing to do. I am just wondering whether my eye sight will get worst?